Sometime back I came across this simple, straight forward Autumn Bloom Belt tutorial at i am momma hear me roar Blog. Got inspired and created my version of flowery fabric belt. Wanted the belt for my daughter's refashioned apron.
I made the belt using a satin ribbon from my daughter old dress. Cut the satin ribbon belt from the below dress and for the snaps of the belt cut the snaps from my daughter's old jeans.

For the flowers
Cut a lengthy Felt strip, with thickness of 1 inch as shown below(Sorry about the clarity of pics, was burning the midnight oil to create them)
Fold the Felt in a accordion fold and cut the slits as shown below
Once the slits are created, start rolling the strips placing felt glue as you go. The flower looks like this
For the leave cut out green felt into a small leave shape.
Fold the leave shape into two at the center. Make a small slit on the end of the fold.
Fold one part over the other and glue it as shown below.
Once the flowers and leafs were created, I glued them on at the center of the satin ribbon.
Closeup view
I used snaps for the belt. Because the satin ribbon from the dress was just little longer then my daughters hip size and so I was not able to tie it as a bow.
Now I didn't have snaps in my craft box. So cut the snap from my daughters old jeans. While cutting the snaps left the denim scarps attached so that it will be easy to glue them. Glued the snaps on to the ends of the satin ribbon as shown. I used fabric glue to glue them on.
Great job on the belt and spron Esther! Thanks so much for sharing this with me!
:) nice idea Esther.