When I saw the Ghost jokes painting at boredom busting mommy, I knew CJ would love it. We made magic paintings to go along with our all-time favorite Chant In the Dark, Dark woods.

white crayons
Black Poster paint/Tempera paint
2. Paint the paper with black colors and see the pictures appear.

- In the Dark, Dark Woods
- In the Dark, Dark Woods, there was a Dark, Dark House
- In the Dark, Dark House, there was a Dark, Dark Stair
- And up the Dark, Dark Stair, there was a Dark, Dark door
- And behind the Dark, Dark door, there was a Dark, Dark Shelf
- And In Dark, Dark Shelf, there was a Ghost!
Materials Used:
White Paperwhite crayons
Black Poster paint/Tempera paint
Steps Overview:
1. Draw the pictures/scenes with white crayons on white papers2. Paint the paper with black colors and see the pictures appear.
fun idea! my students always loved that chant - thanks for reminding me! I have to do it w/my girls