We bought few variegated corn cobs during last year Thanksgiving season. My daughter and I plucked out the dried corn kernels row after row from the Indian corn cob. She had great fun doing the activity. Then we put them in a Ziploc and stored them in the refrigerator. The corn kernels were lying in refrigerator for almost an year because I wanted to do try some unique art with them. At first I thought of just making a CD art with the kernels but then suddenly I got this idea of making a Sunflower.
Materials Used:
Circular head/sunflower's cluster:
Scratched or Not working CD
Variegated Corn kernels
I used Elmer's Glue. You can use any No run glue.
Gloss-Lustre Mod Podge(Optional)
Variegated Corn kernels
I used Elmer's Glue. You can use any No run glue.
Gloss-Lustre Mod Podge(Optional)
Flower head:
Golden color Felt
Lemon Yellow Fabric
Felt Glue

Take an Recycled CD. Apply glue as a circle surrounding the inner hole of the CD as shown below. Place the Corn kernels one by one on top of the glue circle

Keep repeating the steps until you have the complete CD covered with Corn rings/circles as shown below

To give the appearance of Sunflower circular head, I have used yellow, black tinted corn kernels for the central circles and maroon corn kernels for the Outer circles.
Let it dry for 24 hrs.
Meanwhile start cutting the petals from the golden felt, Yellow fabric using the template given. I have used small and big petals to give a different look. You can use single petal size also.

Once the corn kernels are dry. Turn the CD and Start gluing the small golden petals on the outer circular edge of the CD as shown below. Complete the floral arrangement of Small petal pattern. Let it dry for 8 hrs.

Once the petals are dry, Start gluing the Next layer of petals alternating in between the petals as shown below

Let it dry
The floral arrangement will look like this when complete

Apply glue to the CD part shown above and Fix a rectangular shape golden felt as shown below. To give a neat look.

Let it Dry.
There will be an inner most golden circle at the place of inner CD hole. Apply little glue and fill the inner most felt circle with Yellow, black tinted kernels.
I coated the Sunflower's cluster(circular Corn layer) with a coat of Gloss-Lustre to give a glossy finish. Though this step is optional
Here is my sunflower Art all ready to spruce up my wall for Fall

Lemon Yellow Fabric
Felt Glue
Petal Template:

Steps Overview:
Take an Recycled CD. Apply glue as a circle surrounding the inner hole of the CD as shown below. Place the Corn kernels one by one on top of the glue circle
Keep repeating the steps until you have the complete CD covered with Corn rings/circles as shown below
To give the appearance of Sunflower circular head, I have used yellow, black tinted corn kernels for the central circles and maroon corn kernels for the Outer circles.
Let it dry for 24 hrs.
Meanwhile start cutting the petals from the golden felt, Yellow fabric using the template given. I have used small and big petals to give a different look. You can use single petal size also.
Once the corn kernels are dry. Turn the CD and Start gluing the small golden petals on the outer circular edge of the CD as shown below. Complete the floral arrangement of Small petal pattern. Let it dry for 8 hrs.
Once the petals are dry, Start gluing the Next layer of petals alternating in between the petals as shown below
Let it dry
The floral arrangement will look like this when complete
Apply glue to the CD part shown above and Fix a rectangular shape golden felt as shown below. To give a neat look.
Let it Dry.
There will be an inner most golden circle at the place of inner CD hole. Apply little glue and fill the inner most felt circle with Yellow, black tinted kernels.
I coated the Sunflower's cluster(circular Corn layer) with a coat of Gloss-Lustre to give a glossy finish. Though this step is optional
Here is my sunflower Art all ready to spruce up my wall for Fall
My mother LOVES sunflowers so I think my daughter and I will be making a run out to the store today for supplies and whipping one of these up for her for Christmas. However, I think we'll just buy some unpopped popcorn. LOL. Thanks for the tute.